Stay safe on track in critical times
"You don’t drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there." Edwin Louis Cole
Many projects in businesses fail just as the quote above implies. When certain things are not dealt with they can cause imbalances that go unnoticed and quite often are abandoned. Eyes are closed to any forewarning or indication of a shortcoming. That is why it is extremely important to be directly aware of and be able to solve a crisis.
"The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis.' One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger--but recognize the opportunity“, believed John F. Kennedy. This means we have a chance to seize the freedom to concentrate on an appointed turn. If we analyse and address the root causes of the crisis we can initiate and take immediate measures. But, longer terms require continual measures to stabilise a turnaround situation and lead us directly out of a crisis.
When we communicate, we speak in a 'one-voice-principle', in other words we communicate unified and coherently outwards avoiding misdeeds and misunderstandings. How do we ensure measures of effective action?
For this purpose, we need a controlling interest in a new stable plan would induce and aid a cultural change. Every successful learning outcome will be recorded and celebrated with emotional and rational assurances. As we want to guarantee sustainable projects, we will also develop a system for early detection of a crisis and subsequent provisions. Once our TurnAround works there is not only a change in the Project but also in the attitude of all concerned. Successful crises affect our perception, awareness, sensitivity and we become more vigilant. We will not be immune from crises but we will be able to face them with courage, a positive attitude in a constructive spirit of mind.
When we board your train then we can ...
help you with the 5 TurnAround phases, TurnAround situations to master successfully:
- Phase 1: Recognise and identify
- Phase 2: Analyse and apply quick measures
- Phase 3: Stabilise
- Phase 4: Transformation
- Phase 5: Secure sustainability
Your next stop: Contact
Our TurnAround Book
Finally, our book "TURN AROUND. When projects are upside down and classic project management fails" is available !
The Project Square
Use innovative analysis and presentation forms, such as the "Project Square" in your planning and controlling activities.

Interview Turnaround PM
As part of the innovative book project on turnaround management an interview with our co-author Hannes Brandl is included.