Creative Co-operation
"If two people have the same opinion, one is unnecessary." Stephen R. Covey
ONEPOINT Projects is the world's first 100% web-based, fully-integrated project and portfolio management solution that does not force you to compromise between usability and deploying a "real" PPM solution. We have been a one point solution partner for many years and still supervise many enthusiastic ONEPOINT Projects' customers. |
Everyone does what they are best at and thrive from it. The TMS centre supports our accredited trainer with the implementation of team trainings and consulting mandates. This includes methods of the Margerison-McCann Team Management Systems and it's application of team development and above all team training. |
You will find innovative ideas and unconventional approaches to organise and control your TurnAround projects. As co-authors to this exceptional bookproject we have worked intensively hard and successfully to deliver collaborated development phases on methods and tools for TurnAround-Project Management. |
Transformation occurs as reality or is non existant. Methods, knowledge, budgets, rules and laws prevent Transformation. Effect (reality) accrues from attitude of mind within the overall system. A clear mind facilitates the ability to concentrate on the essentials. The constructive attitude (backbone, courage, implementation force) also facilitates the ability to do the right thing at the right time. |
Why not play music? Instead of simply listening to music why not experience 'playing' it through an instrument. There are simple instruments that do not demand too much time to play yet can open up self creativity and liberate inferior thoughts like, 'I can't do that, I'm not musical!' |
Daniel Leeb is specialized on timelapse and landscape photography. Experience nature from another angle, where special moments and emotions are frozen in Megapixels. His motto: 'Photography is the best way to show other people the world through your eyes!' |
The Zen Meditation centre Misho-an was founded in 2008 by Fleur Sakura Woess and Paul Matusek. Ever since then many people who have been introduced to Zen through lectures and seminars have shown a great interest and dedication to meditate regularly at the institute. Within the scope of Zen Meditation we have a very close cooperation with Misho-an. |
'AUSTRIA for Kenya Kids Support' has set itself the task of giving the underprivileged children in Kenia a new chance to establish, 'Everything great in our world happens because someone does more than is required'. |
Achieve goals stress free with Goalscape!
The unique visual display of Goalscape helps you to identify, develop and communicate your goals at a glance.
The Project Square
Use innovative analysis and presentation forms, such as the "Project Square" in your planning and controlling activities.

Our TurnAround Book
Finally, our book "TURN AROUND. When projects are upside down and classic project management fails" is available !