Our Core Team
In our core team you'll find experts in areas as project, team and change management.
DI Hannes Brandl, Managing Director, cSPM, PMP

A few personal words of my professional development:
Quite often I am asked of how I landed in project management from being a computer scientist. My answer never differs, ‘project management simply happened’, literally, from one day to the next. At one moment I was conducting my business as systems engineer and the next was thrown out of my comfortable life into the unknown of project management only knowing Gantt charts. I was faced with a dilemma that gave me the insight to learn and work hard for a successful project.
Ever since that change I have been fascinated with the complex, critical and challenging projects. Why? The continual surprises, difficulties and uncertainties add spice to my life. They arouse my curiosity and generate more interest and appeal in a project. They are stimulating. The more challenging a project is the more I am motivated. It is particularly important not to lose sight of the 'whole' because challenging and complex projects resolutely require that we see the wider context, and the diverse understandings of the interested parties. My ambitions thrive on critical projects and more so when important decisions have to be made against the clock.
I have dedicated myself to the complex, critical and challenging projects because they demand high personal commitment, incentive and stress resistance involvement. In such situations I can acknowledge my 15 year experience with projects I can enjoy new issues with diverse clients contributing interpersonal skills.
These facts are the most important to me.
Do you wish to know more? Please write me a short email hbrandl@youareprior.com or simply call me: +43 699 195 460 18
DI (FH) Christine Brandl-Leeb, Consultant

A few personal words of my professional progress:
The motor that stimulates my drive is simply loving people. Before I ever reached this state of where I am now and where I go from here, I went through lots of trials and errors¸ nevertheless, I was fortunate to keep a steady focus and to work with all kinds of people. In the past few years, through my teaching position, I overtook certain hurdles that brought me closer to my aims but it was the work on the ‘how to manage a turnaround’ diploma that compelled me to change my way of thinking. I saw that people and turnarounds are the two most important cornerstones in my working life. The experience taken from the communication (NLP) classes and the entailed subjects have clearly proven to be beneficial and more so with the successful procedure of knowing HOW to approach and talk to people. All these experiences have resolutely shaped my attitude of mind and changed my perception in my endeavours at all levels.
My guiding principles consist of trust, integrity, esteem and mindfulness. An important factor to me is to work effectively and fully deal with the problems that arise. People only see end results but I consider the journey there is just as important, the 'HOW' attitude is a crucial practice and stance of my team's work and culture.
My view on essential facts .
Would you like to know what they are?Then write me a short email cbrandl@youareprior.com or just give me a call: +43 676 554 27 33
Hartmut Wiehle, Consultant, Master in Information Technology

Hartmut Wiehle has a long standing record of experience in change management, organisational development and coaching executives. He offers goal orientation and the ability to act in project changes – particularly opportunities that proceed to mobilise people and organisations. This work supports scope clarification of a change task on a particular design which is completely focused on the 'accomplishment'. The strong point is the fast detecting of the central bottlenecks, uncovering and using an effective lever for change.
Hartmut Wiehle studied computer science and economics and had years of experience management and leadership roles in the IT industry.
Would you like to know more?
Then write me a short email hartmut.wiehle@values4change.de or just give me a call: +49 170 927 50 07
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The Project Square
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Our TurnAround Book
Finally, our book "TURN AROUND. When projects are upside down and classic project management fails" is available !